Monthly Archives: June 2014

The Nurture Assumption

Parents should relax. There’s nothing much they can do, beyond the basics, beyond being the best selves they can be, to effect their kids’ lives in a statistically meaningful way. The primary thing they give their children is an attachment … Continue reading

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So Why Doesn’t Australia Have Protests About Its High Cost Of Living?

In 2011, the main story in Israel were the social justice protests, aka the cost of living was too high. Australia’s cost of living is far higher than Israel’s. So why aren’t Australians taking to the streets? Because Australians and … Continue reading

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Australia Is A High-Trust Country

In Australia, you pump your gas and then you pay. In America, you pay and then you can pump your gas. In regional Australia, people usually don’t lock up their homes and cars. In American cities, that is mandatory. So … Continue reading

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Why Is Brazil So Incompetent?

As we get closer to the World Cup, you might be wondering why is Brazil so incompetent? It is rushing to finish three soccer stadiums that will be used in the competition and then rarely used again. The average IQ … Continue reading

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Australia’s Cost Of Living

While it seems that the cost of living in Australia is about twice that of America (with the cost of gas and food and lodging for example), in fact Australia’s cost of living is only about 60% higher. Only Norway, … Continue reading

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