So Why Doesn’t Australia Have Protests About Its High Cost Of Living?

In 2011, the main story in Israel were the social justice protests, aka the cost of living was too high.

Australia’s cost of living is far higher than Israel’s. So why aren’t Australians taking to the streets?

Because Australians and Israelis are very different peoples.

If you’ve read the Old Testament, you know that the people Israel are not afraid to complain. By contrast, Australia’s religious heritage is Protestant and Protestants don’t tend to complain much.

Another factor is that Australia’s wages are near the highest in the world. They are third in this chart while Israel ranks at 24 (and America is at seven).

According to the statistics, Australia has the seventh-most expensive cost living in the world. Israel is 20th. Australia’s cost ranks at 108.51 while Israel ranks at 91.45, well below Japan.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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