Monthly Archives: May 2014

Gone Tribal

There’s nothing so beautiful that it cannot be perverted and debased and ultimately used for evil. Love is great, but sometimes love leads to murder. Marriage is great, but sometimes marriage leads to murder. Religion is great, but sometimes religion … Continue reading

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Jews, Gypsies And The Overseas Chinese

Kevin MacDonald writes: Gypsies are the opposite of Jews: a low-investment, low-IQ reproductive style characterized by higher fertility, earlier onset of sexual behavior and reproduction, more unstable pair bonds, higher rate of single parenting, shorter interval of birth spacing, higher … Continue reading

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Stalin’s Willing Executioners

Yuri Slezkine’s book The Jewish Century blew me away. Chaim Amalek emails: I’m only about 140 pages into The Jewish Century and so far it reads like a Jewish confimation of “Mein Kampf.” If correct, the Jews really were running … Continue reading

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Yo Filing

* Employers have called me, “Yo Filing”, because whenever they ask me what I’m doing, I look up from Facebook and say, “Yo, filing.” * If a crank is somebody you’d be embarrassed to introduce your mother to, then I … Continue reading

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Jew, Black, Latino, Muslim

I’m reading the The top story is about a latino, Mynor Enrique Varela, arrested for the murder of an LAPD officer. Next story is about a black guy, Everett Arnold Walker, who got “four years in state prison for … Continue reading

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