Monthly Archives: May 2014

Is Turning To God The Best Therapy?

A common view among religious people, particularly non-Jews, is that turning to God is the best therapy. I spent my first 18 years in Seventh-Day Adventism (and off-shoots) and my last 22 years in Judaism. I’ve known hundreds of religious … Continue reading

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Hillel Aron: Yes, I Text and Drive. No, I’m Not Sorry.

I’m not surprised that the person who took about the most unpopular public stand imaginable has a very Jewish name. Rebellion is what (a minority of famous) Jews do. We challenge the goyim. We don’t automatically accept their dictates. Jews … Continue reading

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Thane Rosenbaum: Israeli teens who hired strippers after touring Auschwitz hardly match the Nazis’ degradation

This behavior is an insult to Jewish women who are made to feel undesired. Intermarriage too often begins with a visit to a stripper. Before visiting Bergen-Belsen, check out the Yelp reviews (all in German). Before visiting the Majdanku death … Continue reading

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Defending Sweatshops Is Akin To Defending Prostitution

On May 6, Dennis Prager interviewed Benjamin Powell, Professor of Business at Texas Tech University. His new book is Out of Poverty: Sweatshops in the Global Economy. Benjamin: “I think conditions are as bad as most people say they are.” … Continue reading

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Jews, Blacks & Race

The things that Donald Sterling said about blacks are common. They go on all the time everywhere there are blacks. Generally speaking, blacks and Jews are at the opposite ends of the social spectrum as Jews tend to have high … Continue reading

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