Monthly Archives: May 2014

A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History

Steve Sailer writes: I joke around about the existence of a Steveosphere, but you’ll notice that much of the current attention being paid to Nicholas Wade’s new book A Troublesome Inheritance seems to follow its contours. Tyler Cowen in Marginal … Continue reading

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What if race is more than a social construct?

Margaret Wente writes for the Toronto Globe & Mail: Nicholas Wade, a leading science writer whose specialty is human evolution, likes to ask interesting questions. Here are some examples: Why has the West been the most exploratory and innovative civilization … Continue reading

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Will The Final Round Draft Of Michael Sam Change History Forever?

I can’t think of any great male athlete who’s come out as gay, only a bunch of mediocre ones, such as Michael Sam. I don’t expect many great male athletes to be gay because great male athletes tend to be … Continue reading

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What Is White People Music?

Steve Sailer writes: “White people markers include that it’s obvious that the frontman has a 3-digit IQ, self-consciousness, irony, and metaness.” Overwhelmingly, black, white, asian and latino people listen to different music, watch different TV, live, work, socialize and worship … Continue reading

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Just Call It Reality

Philo posts on FB: During the heyday of blogs, from like 2004 – 2010, we called our happy mass of posts and discussions the Jblogosphere. Blogs are now a faint echo of what they were. So what do we call… … Continue reading

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