Will The Final Round Draft Of Michael Sam Change History Forever?

I can’t think of any great male athlete who’s come out as gay, only a bunch of mediocre ones, such as Michael Sam. I don’t expect many great male athletes to be gay because great male athletes tend to be hyper-masculine and hyper-masculine guys are rarely gay. I don’t expect many NFL stars, in particular, to turn out to be gay.

When did our forefathers first understand how easy and profitable it was to keep the goyim entertained? I fear that when pro players start making out with each other, this won’t be a hit with the goyim and our revenues will be hit and we’ll be able to make fewer donations to yeshivas. Michael Sam is not good for the Jews.

Chaim Amalek: “This is excellent for America. Anything that reduces the popularity of professional sports, circa 2014, is good for America.

“I want to see some serious cross dressers in the NBA. I want to see men celebrate each basket with a full on oral kiss. I want to see lots of ass slapping and wiggle work. Because this would be good for America. Bad for the _____ who control our sports entertainments, but good for America.”

Steve Sailer wrote:

A warm Saturday afternoon in late May brings all of Chicago to the lakefront. In the Wrigleyville section of Lincoln Park, softball teams with names like “We Are Everywhere” and “The 10 Percenters” compete with an intensity that could shame the Cubs. Girded for battle with sliding pads, batting gloves, and taped ankles, the short-haired women slash extra-base hits, turn the double play, and hit the cutoff woman with a practiced efficiency that arouses admiring shouts from the women spectators.

Meanwhile, on a grassy lakeside bluff a few blocks to the south, the men of the New Town neighborhood bask, golden, in the sun. If ever a rogue urge to strike a ball with a stick is felt by any of the elegantly sprawled multitude, it is quickly subdued. This absence of athletic strife is certainly not the result of any lack of muscle tone: many have clearly spent the dark months in thrall to SoloFlex and StairMaster. But now, the sun is shining and the men are content for their sculpted bodies to be rather than to do.

What are we to make of all this? What does it say about human nature that so many enthusiasms of the average lesbian and the average gay man diverge so strikingly? What broader lessons about current social issues can we learn from this contrariness of their tendencies, this dissimilarity of lesbian and gay passions that has been dimly observable in many cultures and ages, but that now in the wide open, self-fulfillment obsessed America of the 1990s is unmistakable? Well, apparently, we’d be best off not thinking too much about this fact. Better yet, we should avoid even noticing any of these curious details.

At least, that’s been the implicit message of most of the recent news coverage of homosexuals, an outspilling enormous in extent, but peculiarly limited in analytical depth to endless rehashes of: “Gays: Sinners Against God or Victims of Society?” The ongoing media hubbub may actually be clouding the public’s understanding: so many of today’s auto-pilot articles and paint-by-the-numbers newscasts depict homosexuals as merely one dimensional martyrs to prejudice. There are of course obvious political advantages to blandly glossing over just how heterogeneous are homosexuals. Yet, this media stereotyping probably stems more from the natural urge of journalists to reduce complex and unsettling questions about human nature to just another fable starring good guys/gals we all can identify with (in this case, “gays”), who are discriminated against by bad guys (“homophobes”) we all can feel good about looking down upon. Whether portraying homosexuals as perverts in the past or as victims today, the press has always found it less taxing to preach morality rather than to try to understand reality.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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