Monthly Archives: April 2014

Dennis Prager: What was John Kerry thinking when he suggested that Israel might become an apartheid state?

It seems to me that whenever multiple groups struggle for control of a specific land, one group usually ends up winning and other groups end up losing. For instance, in America, the Pilgrims won and the Indians lost. In Israel, … Continue reading

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How Do You Make A Living As A Blogger

Sam emails: Dear Luke, Great blog! I recently discovered it after listening to your interview with Kevin MacDonald on his website. (Actually, I think I remember going to your old blog maybe 12 years ago.) Anyways, have you ever considered … Continue reading

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Former NBA Star Larry Johnson Calls For An All-Black League

Can you imagine the furor if a white called for an all-white league but when a black calls for black separatism, that is treated respectfully. Why is it OK for Jews, Asians, Latinos and Blacks to segregate themselves but not … Continue reading

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Successful Racial Integration

The most examples of successful racial integration I know are in religious communities. Jews of different races get along fairly well, though they still divide along the lines of Ashkenazi, Persian, Sephardic and may have very little to do with … Continue reading

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‘I Tell Jared’

When I talk to people trying to arouse the goyim from their slumber, I often hear them say, “I tell Jared…” Jared is Jared Taylor, the leader of American Renaissance. He’s a Jew-friendly goy who wants whites to organize in … Continue reading

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