‘I Tell Jared’

When I talk to people trying to arouse the goyim from their slumber, I often hear them say, “I tell Jared…”

Jared is Jared Taylor, the leader of American Renaissance. He’s a Jew-friendly goy who wants whites to organize in their group interest. He doesn’t want anything for whites that he doesn’t also want for other groups, but he’s concerned that whites are headed for disaster and he has a preference for his own kind.

His thinking is regarded as unsophisticated by many of his most ardent supporters. They point out that white identity is inextricably linked with the Nazis and there is therefore a no-go for most whites. They urge him to pursue instead implicit white identity through classical music concerts and Nascar and the kind of nerdy pursuits that whites particularly enjoy.

Steve Sailer writes:

I first came to admire Jared Taylor’s talents over 20 years ago, during the dawn of the personal computer age, when he ranked with Jerry Pournelle as the most brilliant PC journalist.

That was the last time there was anything PC about Taylor. He’s now the editor of American Renaissance, a newsletter that applies Bell Curve-type concepts to current social problems in a way that the Mainstream Media should be doing but doesn’t, because it’s been frightened off.

He’s also emerged as a sort of white nationalist, explicitly defending the interests of whites (who, of course, would have been described as “Americans” before the federal government began electing a new people with the 1965 Immigration Act.)

Taylor is a man of commanding voice and mien, Central Casting’s dream of a U.S. Senator. But, needless to say, he will never become a Senator—because he long ago chose to sacrifice popularity for his principles.

Taylor has responded to my critique of his position that I offered in the course of reviewing his organization’s new survey of un-PC facts about race and criminality, The Color Of Crime. He has objected to my calling myself a “citizenist”, arguing:

“‘Citizenism’ assumes that race can be made not to matter, and that citizens will set aside parochial ethnic interests for the good of all…. What course of action would he propose for white people?

“Continue to preach ‘citizenism’ when no one else practices it?

“Continue to fill the country with people who do not hesitate to advance their interests—material, cultural, and biological—at the expense of whites?”

Yet, as the swordsman Inigo Montoya tells the villain Vizzini in the movie The Princess Bride, “I do not think that word means what you think it means.”

I sense (or perhaps merely hope) that millions of Americans feel as I do, in an unarticulated fashion.

But at the moment, Google suggests that I am just about the only person in the country calling himself a “citizenist.” So I think I have a certain right to suggest what the word means.

By “citizenism,” I mean that I believe Americans should be biased in favor of the welfare of our current fellow citizens over that of the six billion foreigners.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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