Monthly Archives: April 2014

Judaism As A Group Evolutionary Strategy

According to Wikipedia: Kevin B. MacDonald (born January 24, 1944) is a professor of psychology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), best known for his use of evolutionary theory to support his claim that Judaism is a “group evolutionary … Continue reading

Posted in ADL, Anti-Semitism, Charles Murray, IQ, Israel, Jews, Kevin MacDonald, Phil Rushton, Whites | Comments Off on Judaism As A Group Evolutionary Strategy

Marriage Of Ramirez

Court of Appeals: Jorge L. Ramirez (Jorge)[1] appeals from a judgment annulling his second marriage to Lilia Llamas (Lilia), following a bifurcated trial in which the court found the marriage void due to fraud. The trial court found the first … Continue reading

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Hollywood Gedolim!

Chaim Amalek writes: “HOLLYWOOD GEDOLIM! Just think how much less expensive it would have been for all concerned had the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts found a place for one more student a century ago, a lad from Linz. A … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews, Muslims Oppose Gay Marriage

Chaim Amalek: Religious Jews and Muslims have an important role to play in preserving traditional notions of marriage because in each case, the orthodox among them 1. condemn homosexual conduct because their sacred texts condemn homosexual conduct, offering no wiggle … Continue reading

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