Monthly Archives: March 2014

SEC Announces Charges Against Michael Horowitz, Founder Of Adas Torah, And Richard Horowitz, President Of Aish HaTorah

FailedMessiah. From the SEC: Washington D.C., March 13, 2014 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced enforcement actions against a pair of brokers, an investment advisory firm, and several others involved in a variable annuities scheme to profit from … Continue reading

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James Kalb: Against Inclusiveness: How the Diversity Regime is Flattening America and the West and What to Do About It

Jim Kalb has a website at He writes regularly for Crisis magazine. His previous book came out in 2008: The Tyranny of Liberalism: Understanding and Overcoming Administered Freedom, Inquisitorial Tolerance, and Equality by Command. Here’s a transcript of parts … Continue reading

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David Rubin Sentenced

Report: “A federal judge sentenced CDR Financial Products Inc. founder David Rubin to two years’ probation and ordered him to pay a combined $5.65 million in fines and restitution for his role in rigging bids for municipal bond contracts.”

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Oh, The Humanity!

* During the rabbi’s sermon, these two guys next to me were whispering. A woman directly across the mechitza repeatedly opened up the curtain and told us to be quiet. The men kept talking. After five minutes, I forcefully shut … Continue reading

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How Do You Convert To Judaism If You Are Painfully Shy?

When you convert to Judaism, you not only are converting to a religion and to a way of life, you are converting to a specific people with strong genetic ties to each other. The single most important challenge in converting … Continue reading

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