Daily Archives: August 7, 2013

Why Do Russian Women Have Such Terrible Reputations?

I hit my first match.com event tonight. The women in their 20s had little interest in talking to me. Others were put off by my talking right off about my emotional addictions. At the end of the night, I met … Continue reading

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If You Look Up ‘Foupe’ In The Dictionary, You’ll See My Example

I just Googled the word “foupe” and the first result was for wordnik.com and they quoted an example from this blog: Luke: “I think that one of the biggest, if not the biggest foupe, you can make in educated society … Continue reading

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Without The Beard

“You look so different,” she said. “No more ZZ Top. A new hair cut? You’re working out? You look cut. Hey, I want you to meet my boyfriend.” The conversation zigged and zagged. An hour later as I detailed my … Continue reading

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I Never Liked The Kids Who Would Tell On You

I don’t think I’ve ever told on anyone to authority. I never dobbed in another kid to a teacher or to my parents or to any authority. I hated kids who did that. I grew up a preacher’s kid on … Continue reading

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