Monthly Archives: August 2013

Tony Robbins’ Weird Dietary Advice

CosmoPhilosopher posts 5/29/03 to Rick Ross: He has always had weird dietary advice. Years ago, he sold the “fit for life” idea, and I was credulous enough to follow that, until one day I saw some good nutritionists, and they … Continue reading

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Anthony Robbins – Unleash The Power Within

I’ve been listening to Tony Robbins since the early 1990s. I’m a fan. I’m a devotee. I also know that I have an attraction to cults. I like joining things that promise transformation. So I’ve been Googling Tony Robbins and … Continue reading

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John Gray’s Bogus Degrees

From The synergy between all of Gray’s various interests and enterprises have undoubtedly made him a wealthy man. But the basis upon which John Gray built his professional career and counseling conglomerate is not sound and seems to be … Continue reading

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The Dangers Of Large Group Awareness Seminars Like Landmark, Tony Robbins, Etc

Cos posts to I actually think having some type of Hypomanic episode after one of these particular seminars is not rare at all. Some folks go into a mild form of a manic episode, and many folks seem to … Continue reading

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Secure, Anxious & Avoidant Styles Of Attachment

I overheard one unmarried woman give another unmarried woman dating advice: “Don’t text him back. Just ignore him for a few days. That always works.” I butted in: “That always works if you want to be with someone who’s emotionally … Continue reading

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