Monthly Archives: June 2013

Where to Focus Calls, Emails, Faxes and Lobbying Efforts on S.744 (Immigration)

Stephen Steinlight emails: Hi, Friends, Below is a list of where Senators currently stand on S.744 from this morning’s Washington Post. It’s an excellent guide for focusing your efforts. In light of the new (meaningless) border security plan put forward … Continue reading

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The Therapists Can’t Help Us

Chris R. says: “The therapists can’t help us. The doctors with their medications can’t help us. The clergy can help us to a point. The only person who can help us is a fellow addict. When did we stop being … Continue reading

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Shame Will Keep You From Wanting To Know Who You Really Are

Mark Smith: “Often you’re trying to keep your ugly truths stuffed down beneath your psychological defenses. Your spouse will often be an expert witness who will rat you out and expose your soft underbelly.” “Your therapist has a scalpel and … Continue reading

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I’ve Had To Go Against My Friends Every Time I’ve Wanted To Make A Major Change

My first few days on modafinil (it’s life-changing medication for people who get sleepy during the day), I was so excited, I didn’t sleep well, but I think that difficulty was more related to my excitement that I had found … Continue reading

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I Want To Dance Disco

* I never learned to dance because I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist and such a thing is a sin. Before I die, I would really like to learn to dance to disco. * I don’t like it when women … Continue reading

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