Monthly Archives: May 2013

Why Hank Sent Me A Penny

Hank emails: Luke: Was to wake you up! You’re a mensch still stuck in your head who thinks too much. You best friends are words, blogs and intellectualism. Learn how to feel. For to feel is the only way to … Continue reading

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Physical Pleasure vs Spiritual Pleasure

So in Daf Yomi (Eruvin 53B) this morning, the Talmud said that you should seize every pleasure available to you today because tomorrow you might be dead. The Hasidic rabbi hastened to explain that the Talmud clearly means spiritual pleasure, … Continue reading

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My Fear Of Abandonment Comes From My Unwillingness To Grow Up

My fear of abandonment keeps raising its ugly head because I’d rather put my reliance on a relationship, a group, a job, a status, on anything rather than to do the work to become self reliant and self-validating. For example, … Continue reading

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