Monthly Archives: March 2013

Karma Is Coming!

What’s the dramatic conflict for my play? Will I realize that emotional addictions are ruining my life? What’s the problem the narrator is dealing with at the beginning of the story? Helpless rage and disconnection from others. What does he … Continue reading

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The Advantages Of Facebook

* I find it easier to be honest on Facebook than in real life because I can just say what’s on my mind on FB without worrying about how a particular person will interpret what I’m saying. In real life, … Continue reading

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Political Ideas Come From The North-East Corridor

On his show Mar. 8, 2013, Dennis Prager said: “The Republican leadership lives in as much as a hermetically sealed bubble as the Democratic leadership. This is a catastrophe for the country. We have two parties — the damaging and … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Opposes Legalizing Drugs

On his radio show March 8, 2013, Dennis said: “When you legalize a drug, you get vastly more use of it.” “All of you in Colorado who voted for Amendment 64, I say congratulations, you [have more children using marijuana].” … Continue reading

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Is Netanyahu Losing His Chance To Lead Israel for Four More Years?

What VP Joe Biden had to say at the AIPAC Policy Conference; can Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meet the extended deadline to form a coalition government?; American and Israeli teens come together in song for the 20th anniversary of … Continue reading

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