Monthly Archives: September 2012

‘Sam Bacile’ Identified

“Sam Bacile” turns out to be a Coptic Christian, not a Jew nor an Israeli. He’s also a convicted felon. The AP reports: LOS ANGELES (AP) — The search for those behind the provocative, anti-Muslim film implicated in violent protests … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: New York City Board of Health Vote Scheduled Today on Requiring Informed Consent for Direct Oral-Genital Suction During Infant Circumcision

The New York Times reports: …part of the circumcision ritual, known in Hebrew as metzitzah b’peh [direct oral-genital suction], … is still commonplace in parts of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community but is rare in other branches of Judaism. The city estimates … Continue reading

Posted in Chabad, Circumcision, Conservative Judaism, Germany, Health, Modern Orthodox, New York, New York Times, Yisroel Pensack | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: New York City Board of Health Vote Scheduled Today on Requiring Informed Consent for Direct Oral-Genital Suction During Infant Circumcision

Did A Movie Kill People?

The MSM attributes the murders of four Americans to a movie that mocks Islam. The Atlantic writes: “And yet, here the movie is, not just offending apparently significant numbers of people, but producing real-world damage.” The movie didn’t kill anyone … Continue reading

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Who Is ‘Sam Bacile’?

A man known as “Sam Bacile” directed the feature film “The Innocence of Muslims”, which is stirring up anger in the Islamic world against Americans, leading to riots against the US Embassy in Egypt and the killings of four Americans … Continue reading

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Nicole Strafaci’s Gorgeous Stories

I met a fascinating artist, designer, model, writer and performer tonight at Terrie Silverman’s Gorgeous Stories show at Beyond Baroque in Venice. I’m performing tomorrow night at the same place. Nicole Strafaci operates “I have always been greatly influenced … Continue reading

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