Monthly Archives: September 2011

How Hatred Of Jews Prevents Peace In The Middle East

Stephen Steinlight emails: “Shall we cut to the chase? As this piece makes plain, peace between Israel and Muslims is impossible because the dispute isn’t about a “Palestinian state” or any of the sub issues repeated ad nauseam as the … Continue reading

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The Jewish Divorce (Get)

Yehuda Smith writes: Background: A very one-sided article appeared in a heimishe weekly magazine several weeks ago and was written by a Rabbi who wished to remain anonymous claiming wide scale abuse of the Hetter Meah Rabbonim which allows a … Continue reading

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How Much Is Lust And How Much Is Love?

A good way to tell is to ask how much time do you spend on the phone. (Dennis Prager) I think this is a great point. In my best relationships, we talk for hours. In fact, in all of my … Continue reading

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America’s Infant Mortality Rates

Where do people fly when they want the best quality healthcare, asks Dennis Prager. Do they go to Canada or Belgium or France or Germany? Nope. They come to the United States for the best care. Besmirching America’s reputation is … Continue reading

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Why Is Al Qaeda The Focus?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Why is everything lumped in with Al Qaeda? Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah are not Al Qaeda. Part of me thinks it is done so we don’t have to use the word ‘Islamist.’” “Was … Continue reading

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