Monthly Archives: April 2011

How Much Sexual Misconduct Can A Rabbi Get Away With?

Should it be one strike and you’re out? I think so. A rabbi is not just a rabbi to a specific congregation, he’s a rabbi to all of the Jewish people. If he can’t keep his pants zipped up, he … Continue reading

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Educating Converts To Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Gil Student writes: They have to understand that a community that strives for closeness and closed-ness, a tight-knit society that builds a wall to the secular world (of varying heights, depending on each community), will present obstacles to joining. … Continue reading

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Parashat Metzora (Leviticus 14:1-15:33)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and on YouTube. This week’s we study Parashat Metzora (Leviticus 14:1-15:33).

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Rabbi Wikileaks

Curious emails: I say start up a Rabbi Wikileaks. Expose all their foibles. Who’s eating pork? Who’s using electricity during the Sabbath? Who got drunk on the Dennis Prager cruise? Tell us, Luke. Tell us all.

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Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro Spoke At Beth Jacob Shabbos

I’m kicking myself for missing this. A source says: Heard Marc Shapiro speak at BJ at the 3rd meal, first time I’d seen or heard him. I thought he was one of the more interesting I’ve heard in many years … Continue reading

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