Monthly Archives: January 2011

What’s the Status of Jewish Poverty? Sen. Joe Lieberman is Set to Retire; PLO Flag Raised in Washington, D.C.

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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The Jewish View On Brain Death, Organ Donation

The Jewish Week reports Jan. 11, 2011: Faced with two well-founded positions of Jewish law on when death occurs for the purpose of organ donations, the country’s major Modern Orthodox rabbinic group has similarly ruled that both brain-stem death and … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion

Watch the whole show. I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and YouTube. The rabbi reacts to my video and essay of a year ago about Orthodox homosexuals wanting … Continue reading

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From Friday, January 21, 2011 Radio Show H1: Hammertime Prager H1: Charles Krauthammer points out the hypocrisy of liberal outrage over the Tucson shooting, and Dennis couldn’t agree more. Dennis poses that mental illness is the bigger issue rather … Continue reading

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Repeal Obamacare

Charles Krauthammer writes: Of course, the very numbers that yield this $230 billion “deficit reduction” are phony to begin with. The CBO is required to accept every assumption, promise (of future spending cuts, for example) and chronological gimmick that Congress … Continue reading

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