Monthly Archives: January 2011

Australia Sends Most Tourists To Los Angeles In 2010

I’m meeting a friend from childhood (from Cooranbong, NSW) tomorrow afternoon in Santa Monica. He seems to stop by Los Angeles every year or two and he always shouts me a meal. When I left Australia in 1985, 65c US … Continue reading

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Are We Still The Home Of The Brave?

Health and safety uber alles was the way I was raised. A snow storm in Philadelphia? Then delay the game for two days. Unflattering anonymous comments online? Then censor the web! Dennis Prager writes: The most left-wing institutions in America, … Continue reading

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Mr Congeniality

Watch the whole show:

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Self-Control in an Age of Excess By Daniel Akst

This book sounds like a great idea that is shoddily executed. The New York Times says: Mr. Akst’s attempt to touch on the whole web of influences on human behavior, however, leads him frequently to veer off the central subject … Continue reading

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Overnight Sleep Study

I’m going in for an overnight sleep study Jan. 13. I’m excited. I’ve had trouble sleeping since 1988. Here’s what to expect on an overnight sleep study: A sleep study, or polysomnogram, is a recording that includes measurements used to … Continue reading

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