Monthly Archives: October 2010

DP: Meg Whitman Shines In Debate With Jerry Brown

From Wednesday, October 13, 2010 Radio Show H1: Non Stop Chilean Miners Rescue Prager H1: Dennis celebrates the rescue of the Chilean miners, but wonders why cable news has covered it non-stop… Dennis talks to Jon Kyl, Arizona Senator … Continue reading

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Immigration News

From 1. Denying License Plates to Illegals, Too (Memorandum) 2. Police must share information on criminal immigrants (Op-ed) 3. Why Can’t Immigration Statistics Be More Like Baseball Statistics? (Blog) 4. Another Reverse Nixon: Obama’s Heath-Care-Benefits-for-Illegal-Immigrants-Maneuver (Blog) 5. The Rest … Continue reading

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Judaism’s Daughter Religions

In a 1993 lecture on Genesis 22, Dennis Prager says: Judaism has two daughter religions — Christianity and Islam. Christians from left to right acknowledge that Christianity emanated from Judaism but Muslims do not acknowledge that Islam emanates Judaism. It … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From ▪ America and the Jews: Different, or the Same? ▪ If you build it, Jews will come ▪ Modern Orthodoxy at a Crossroads ▪ Harav Yechezkel Roth “deeply distressed” By Paladino Anti ‘Gedolim’ Remark ▪ Orthodox react to … Continue reading

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Child Abuse At Yeshiva of Spring Valley

Email: “These are my pics of him. I had him fired in 08. I am trying to get him publicized. He is still free as a bird with no one stopping him and needs to go down until someone within … Continue reading

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