Daily Archives: October 31, 2010

Jewish Wigs For Women

It is nice to get some MSM coverage of Orthodox Jewish life that isn’t sneering. From the LAT: Sheitels are the wigs that married Orthodox Jewish women of the most devout, or Hasidic, communities wear in public. It would be … Continue reading

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Extremism In Aleppo, Syria

In his Oct. 25, 2010 lecture on R. Elijah Benamozegh for Torah in Motion, Dr. Marc B. Shapiro says: There has been a trend of extremism in Aleppo for a long time… The Aleppo Syrian [Jewish] community burned this book … Continue reading

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Rav Kook On Evolution

Dr. Marc Shapiro blogs: He mentions that Maimonides assumes the eternity of the world when he seeks to prove the existence, unity, and incorporeality of God. Maimonides adopts this model so that his proof will be acceptable to everyone. R. … Continue reading

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