Monthly Archives: October 2010


From Thursday, October 14, 2010 Radio Show H1: Anti-Children Prager H1: Joy Behar accuses Congressman Michele Bachmann of being anti-children because she opposes legislation that provides health care for poor children. Never mind that Bachmann has five children and … Continue reading

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New York Election Gaffe Will Likely Nullify Significant Number of Israeli Expatriate Votes

A major error at the New York Board of Elections has resulted in the failure to ship ballots for the November 2010 Congressional and Gubernatorial election to New York City expatriate voters – including most resident in Israel . “[Expatriate … Continue reading

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Suicidal Gay Teens

Joey Kurtzman and I talk on my live cam to the thousands of suicidal gay teens who tune in to my Torah Talks each week to find out if life is worth living. When he was just a little tyke … Continue reading

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Welcome to the White House: A Metaphor for Budgetary Excess

Curious to know why the federal government is a monetary sinkhole? Well, follow the money! That admonition, which comes from the cinematic depiction of Deep Throat in All the President’s Men, is even more true in our actual lives. In … Continue reading

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Painting Shows Jesus Getting Blown By A Dude

Click here to see the picture and read the accompanying article.

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