Daily Archives: September 12, 2010

The Community Comes First

I grew up a Protestant. The center of our faith was individual salvation to Heaven. I loved movies that glorified the individual against the group such as 1966’s A Man For All Seasons. When I turned 18, I dropped my … Continue reading

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Teaching Torah In Las Vegas

In a 2007 lecture on Leviticus 12 – 13, Dennis Prager says: Twenty five years ago, I was teaching Torah to the Jewish community of Las Vegas on a regular basis. They would fly me in every month. One time … Continue reading

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The Worst Thoughts On Yom Kippur

Heshy Fried blogs: Water running past my knuckles – ahhhh! Maybe after I wash my fingertips I could by accidentally touch my lips.

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Jewish Manners

I just put “Jewish manners” into Google and expected no results. I’ll never forget the shock of my first visit to a synagogue. Most of the people there were so short and ugly. They looked like they had just stepped … Continue reading

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I Love My Judaism, She Loves Her Jesus

How often do you hear Jews talk about how much they love God? Almost never. Jews instead say things like, “I love Torah”, or “I love Yiddishkeit” or “I love Judaism” or “I love Israel” or “I love Jews.” Christians, … Continue reading

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