Daily Archives: September 1, 2010

It’s Been A Couple Of Months Since Somebody Called Me Inappropriate

“Inappropriate” is the most used description of me next to “insecure. I was starting to feel good tonight. I was reflecting back on the past couple of months and I couldn’t think of anyone telling me, “That was inappropriate!” Then … Continue reading

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Is Dennis Prager High Maintenance?

On Dennis Prager’s radio show today, he devoted the male-female hour to a discussion of high maintenance people. Dennis said he was not high maintenance. Ralph calls from Manhattan: “Dennis, I would think it would be impossible for you to … Continue reading

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They Got Me!

I opened up my email this evening to find one from an “Al Ha-madaf.” Oh, man, I thought. The terrorists have got me. They’re coming to get me. I open it up and find out it is from AJU. Why … Continue reading

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Automatic Citizenship for Children of Illegals?

Jeff emails: “I think all foreign-born nationals should have their citizenship reviewed periodically, and if they aren’t productive it should be revoked, just like conversion. Particular attention should be paid to Australians.” From CIS.org: WASHINGTON (August 31, 2010) – Every … Continue reading

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Why I Love Orthodox Judaism

Heshy Fried blogs: Hot Chani: I like the fact that frum people can’t escape the evil of sexiness, I love the fact that you can be frum tznius and sexy. Although tznius is definitely a relative term in this case … Continue reading

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