Monthly Archives: September 2010

California Braces for Showdown on Emissions?

I instinctively don’t trust anything that Adam Nagourney writes. The guy is consistently out to lunch. For the past 14 hours, has featured as its top story, “California Braces for Showdown on Emissions” by Adam Nagourney. I knew about … Continue reading

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The Earth Doesn’t Care If You Drive A Hybrid

George Will writes for Newsweek: The cover of The American Scholar quarterly carries an impertinent assertion: “The Earth Doesn’t Care if You Drive a Hybrid.” The essay inside is titled “What the Earth Knows.” What it knows, according to Robert … Continue reading

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Michelle Obama Can’t Handle Being First Lady

That’s why she’s been drinking excessively reported the National Enquirer a few weeks ago. Matt Drudge has been hammering on the Obama marriage for months. I suspect he’s on to something. Now we have this report from the Daily Mail … Continue reading

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God Is Not One

I have a book review in Spectrum Magazine.

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How To Make Women Feel Safe So You Can Then Have Sex With Them

On Dennis Prager’s radio show today, he spent an hour with relationship expert Alison Armstrong. Dennis: “I think it is easier for men to understand women.” “When you told me the pillow is messy and it’s yelling at you, I … Continue reading

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