Monthly Archives: November 2009

The Role Of Women In Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Michael Broyde discusses this issue and Jewish law. Joseph Kaplan comments on Hirhurim: As always. R. Broyde’s clear and rigorous analysis is extremely helpful, certainly to me, in thinking through important issues, and we should be grateful to him … Continue reading

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The Reason Nidal Hassan Snapped

It’s buried deep in this Washington Post profile: Hasan is an avid Redskins fan. "That was his main entertainment," his aunt said. "He was not a movie watcher. He worked hard and had been studying for years. He buried himself … Continue reading

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Check Out The Dirty Play In This Women’s Soccer Game

This Elizabeth Lambert should be banned from soccer for life. She’s a dirty vicious player. What kind of person is she? I wonder who dates her? I wonder what her parents think of her? Her pastor or priest? From … Continue reading

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Fort Hood Murderer Was A Muslim

The New York Times reports: WASHINGTON — Born and reared in Virginia, the son of immigrant parents from a small Palestinian town near Jerusalem, he joined the Army right out of high school, against his parents’ wishes. The Army, in … Continue reading

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Are Americans More Hawkish on Israel Than Jews? This Week’s TJC Newscast

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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