Monthly Archives: September 2007

A Jewish Huffington Post

I’m honored to contribute to this new website along with Rabbi Gil Student and company.

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War And Peace

Chaim Amalek writes: Luke, I know you’ve changed your mind about Bush’s decision to invade Iraq. But what about Iran? 1. Should the United States initiate war with Iran to stop it from developing the capability to manufacture nuclear weapons? … Continue reading

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Why Scandals Still Scandalize

From the WSJ: The scandals are as much about hypocrisy as sex, of course, but I would submit that the activities of these men are, if anything, more of a shock to the public’s sensibilities than they would have been … Continue reading

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Shalom Auslander’s beef with the Lord

From NY Mag: You deleted your manuscript several times out of fear that God would strike down your family. What about now that it’s being published? When I was writing it for myself, anything could happen and no one would … Continue reading

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David Klinghoffer Interview

I call author David Klinghoffer Friday afternoon, August 31, 2007. Here’s a partial transcript. Luke: "How was the experience of writing this book different from the others?" David: "I had to write faster. With my Abraham book, The Discovery of … Continue reading

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