Monthly Archives: September 2007

Michael Jackson Conspiracy By Aphrodite Jones

That’s what I’m reading now. My January interview with Aphrodite Jones. Mystery448 writes on This isn’t just another book to just to make some money of Jackson. No this is one serious piece of work. Ms. Jones gives you … Continue reading

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Auschwitz Now Offers Handicap Access

Not sure if they had this during WWII (from Tova Reich’s new book, "My Holocaust").

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Jewish women abandoned but unable to remarry?

Bari Weiss writes in the Wall Street Journal: Susan Rosenfeld’s marriage wasn’t what you’d call romantic. She was thrown up against a wall, doused with a bucket of cold water in bed, and, toward the end, became her husband’s punching … Continue reading

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Joshua Muravchik writes for Commentary magazine: A minute later the door opened and a strange character appeared, his tall frame draped in some kind of yellow garment that looked like a slicker, a tight cap pulled down on his skull … Continue reading

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Freedom Fetishists

Kay Hymowitz writes for Commentary Magazine: Murray Rothbard, for example, became a fan of Che Guevara and the Black Panther leader H. Rap Brown. Karl Hess, a libertarian/anarchist said to have written Barry Goldwater’s famous lines about “extremism in the … Continue reading

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