Daily Archives: January 20, 2007

Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy’s Financial Problems

Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy‘s Financial Problems Over the past eight years, enrollment at Hillel has fallen from 700 to 600 according to my sources (850 to 750 students according to the 11/11/02 Jewish Journal). "A lot of parents who signed … Continue reading

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Memorial Service For Rebbetizen Dolgin At YICC Jan. 9 At 7:30 p.m.

Memorial Service For Rebbetizen Dolgin At YICC Jan. 9 At 7:30 p.m.From the latest edition of the Encyclopedia Judaica by Sheldon Teitelbaum (updating first edition work of Max Vorspan): The most significant of centrist Orthodox synagogues, the Beth Jacob Congregation, … Continue reading

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Now The Truth Can Be Told – Cecile Du Bois Has Her First Kiss

Now The Truth Can Be Told – Cecile Du Bois Has Her First Kiss Two years ago, I had to pull this entry. My 15-year old friend Cecile had her first kiss at a NFTY (North American Federation of Temple … Continue reading

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Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy’s Annual Banquet Jan. 3

Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy‘s Annual Banquet Jan. 3 A source writes: "Big dinner (tickets are built into tuition which ensures parents come), customarily a little unruly by virtue of the size of the event. Seems like the school is doing … Continue reading

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Blonde Ambition Star To Run Family-Friendly New Studio Capable Of Seizing Universal

Blonde Ambition Star To Run Family-Friendly New Studio Capable Of Seizing Universal If everything I’m told is true, I have the greatest rags to riches story in the history of Hollywood. But let me start at the beginning. I met … Continue reading

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