Category Archives: Europe

Israel Shows You Can Control Your Borders & Limit Your Immigrants

Steve Sailer writes: You know, there’s a country close to Palestine that seems to do a pretty good job of stopping the “unstoppable force of demography.” Maybe Europeans could try to learn from how the Palestinians’ neighbor does it… European … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: Europe Is Making a Fatal Mistake

Dennis Prager writes September 15, 2015: Allowing millions of Syrians and others from the Muslim Middle East into Europe will end up a catastrophe for Europe, and therefore for the West. This may be the most difficult sentence I have … Continue reading

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What’s Good For Muslims Is Usually Terrible For Christians

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Whites in North America and Australia have always understood that the mass migration of Europeans into those places meant the displacement, if not destruction, of those indigenous cultures. Everybody knows that what was good for … Continue reading

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Europe Cucks Itself

From Chateau Heartiste: Bottom line: The refugees are not Europe’s moral crisis. They are the responsibility of those countries from which the migrants hail. The blame for every drowned Syrian child rests with their families who pushed them onto colonizing … Continue reading

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European Jews Fear Bringing Children to Synagogue on Rosh Hashanah

As a result of the massive importation of Africans and Muslims, Jews and non-Jews in Europe increasingly fear for their safety. REPORT: With the Jewish New Year fast approaching, a new survey reveals that 85 percent of European Jews will … Continue reading

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