Israel Shows You Can Control Your Borders & Limit Your Immigrants

Steve Sailer writes: You know, there’s a country close to Palestine that seems to do a pretty good job of stopping the “unstoppable force of demography.” Maybe Europeans could try to learn from how the Palestinians’ neighbor does it…

European countries are closing their internal boundaries because because the EU has done such a miserable job of closing its external boundary.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* This is the phenomenon described in Putnam’s Bowling Alone. Even individual people erect and enforce boundaries around themselves when the external boundaries are breached.

* Eduardo knows that his audience is so docile, so well trained and so cucked that they won’t even dare to point out the obvious about Israel being located right next to overflowing Palestine.

* We need a name for this rhetorical ploy. How about argument by inevitability? Hard to argue against the inevitable.

BTW does anybody know where the maxim “demography is destiny” originated? I looked it up. Turns out the phrase was coined by Ben Wattenberg, a man who wrote that it was a matter of almost transcendent delight that the United States would soon be a country be without a white majority.

* Securing the border is impossible (unless you’re Israel or Japan), but eliminating the education and income gaps between the races is like totally doable.

One way that it would be easier to secure your borders: eliminate immigration from non-white countries. It would be incredibly easy to identify African and Asian illegal immigrants if the population of Europe were almost entirely white. It would be as simple as picking out the black or Asian man.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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