Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

The Limits Of Orthodox Theology

I’m sorry to have so little for the goyim during their days of awe, but here’s a caustic essay — that even a goy could love? — by Rabbi Yitzhak Blau on Marc B. Shapiro’s book, "The Limits of Orthodox … Continue reading

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The Limits Of Orthodox Theology

What I find most interesting in the Orthodox discussions of Dr. Marc B. Shapiro’s book is the widespread belief that readership of the book should be restricted. Not because there are significant mistakes in the book, but because the book … Continue reading

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The Limits Of Orthodox Theology

Rabbi Yitzhock Adlerstein writes on Cross Currents: I am jealous of the scholarship of Dr Marc Shapiro – even when I often disagree with his conclusions. He never lets the reader down in amassing a huge amount of relevant material … Continue reading

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The Limits Of Orthodox Theology

Failed Messiah blogs: The new Jewish Action, a quarterly publication of the supposedly Modern Orthodox OU, has a hit piece written by Rabbi Zev Leff. The target of Rabbi Leff’s hit? Professor Marc B. Shapiro’s now-three-year-old book, The Limits of … Continue reading

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Professor Marc B. Shapiro Interviewed In The Jewish Press

Here’s an excerpt: Rabbi Weinberg raised the possibility that perhaps the way Jews treat non-Jews contributes to anti-Semitism. He no doubt had in mind things such as how the Jew treated the Polish peasant and wondered if this didn‚Äôt have … Continue reading

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