Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Was The Rav Modern Orthodox?

Marc B. Shapiro blogs: Since I mentioned some stories from Halakhic Man that show that the Rav did not have a Modern Orthodox ethos, I will also say something about the following story, which some have wondered about.   Once … Continue reading

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Rabbis & Communism

Marc B. Shapiro’s latest post is up on the Seforim blog: …Yet in the entire history of the Jewish people I don’t know of any source that says that it is good to be poor… …The notion that it is … Continue reading

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Marc Shapiro Interview

After havdala Saturday night, I seize on the sentimental moment to ask Marc B. Shapiro for an interview before he leaves town. He says he’s leaving tonight. "May I drive you to the airport?" I ask. He agrees. There’s a … Continue reading

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The Rav Never Went To Yeshiva

I caught three lectures by Professor Marc B. Shapiro this weekend. Among his astonishing statements was that the Rav (Joseph Baer Soloveitchik) never went to yeshiva. He learned from his father and grandfather, I assume, and learned with others (and … Continue reading

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Professor Marc B. Shapiro Speaks In Los Angeles This Weekend

Professor Shapiro received his Ph.D. from Harvard University and holds the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Chair in Judaic Studies at the University of Scranton. An author of several books and dozens of scholarly articles, Professor Shapiro is considered one of … Continue reading

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