Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

‘Noah Feldman May Be Very Smart, But He Isn’t Very Wise’

Marc B. Shapiro writes: Professor Isadore Twersky once mentioned in class that although this book’s title should have mentioned Maimonides, in 1929 Harvard University Press would not publish a book with such a title. In this regard, he also called … Continue reading

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The Modern Orthodox Intellectual

I find it really tiresome in Modern Orthodox life how its rabbis go about picking on Artscroll (a hugely succesful chareidi press) for the tiniest of mistakes. Another symptom of this is when Modern Orthodox rabbis go off on Agriprocessors. … Continue reading

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The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch – A Book To Put You Off Judaism

One of the first Jewish books I studied was the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. Marc B. Shapiro writes: "When I was young everyone seemed to study it. It has been reprinted numerous times and also translated into many languages. According to … Continue reading

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Studies in Maimonides and His Interpreters

Marc B. Shapiro has a new book out: "Studies in Maimonides and His Interpreters"   Included in the book is a short "Note on Maimonides and Muhammad" following censorship that occurred in his "Islam and the Halakhah," Judaism 42:3 (Summer … Continue reading

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Is It Ok For A Jew To Sit In Starbucks?

Dr. Marc Shapiro reviews three recent books on Rav Ovadiah Yosef: "Since we live today in an era when some rabbis have declared that one should not sit in or buy coffee at a store like Starbucks that has no … Continue reading

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