Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Rabbi Yaakov Emden Was Almost Seduced By His Cousin

I’m listening to a lecture by Dr. Marc B. Shapiro (for Torah in Motion) on the Nazir, Rabbi David Cohen (1887-1972). Dr. Shapiro talks about the diary of Rabbi Jacob Emden (a great Talmudist of the 18th Century): "We have … Continue reading

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The Lives of the Gedolim

Dr. Marc B. Shapiro gave a lecture for Torah in Motion on writing history vs. writing hagiography. Near the end, he takes a question: "Why should we be tolerant of the hagiographical Artscroll approach? Just to take it to a … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t Yeshiva Bocherim (Students) Working With The Homeless And Davening With Black People?

"That’s not what yeshiva students do," says historian Dr. Marc Shapiro in his second lecture on Rav Zvi Yehuda Kook for Torah in Motion. "Rav Elazar Schach was opposed to kiruv (outreach). That was the standard charedi position. The Brisker … Continue reading

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What Did Meir Kahane Accomplish In Israel?

Nothing, says rabbi historian Dr. Marc Shapiro. In his first lecture on Rav Zvi Yehuda Kook for Torah in Motion, Dr. Shapiro says: "What were R. Meir Kahane‘s accomplishments? How did he influence the state of Israel? He got his … Continue reading

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Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Is A Bad Joke

From Dr. Marc B. Shapiro‘s first lecture on Rav Isser Yehuda Unterman for Torah in Motion: "The chief rabbinate [of Israel] in the days of Rav [Abraham Isaac] Kook and Rav [Benzion Meir Hai] Uziel and Rav Unterman was the … Continue reading

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