Category Archives: Marc Gafni

Is Marc Gafni A Rabbi?

His favorite self-description these days is "spiritual artist." He writes on I received Ordination many years ago from a well-regarded Orthodox institution in New York. Contrary to some rumors, that Ordination was never revoked. I retain a letter on … Continue reading

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My Dialogue With Marc Gafni About Reputation Online

The videos of our dialogue are here and here and here and here and here. The book (The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet) underlying our discussion is here. Here’s a selective transcript of what I … Continue reading

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Fascist Hides Out As Spiritual Guide

From the New York Times: In Serbia, more details about Mr. Karadzic’s life as a fugitive emerged on Wednesday, with local media saying he had a mistress, regularly visited a local pub called the Madhouse and invented an imaginary family … Continue reading

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Reclaiming Your Reputation Online: A Dialogue With Rabbi Mordecai Gafni

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My Dialogue With Marc Gafni III

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