Category Archives: Torah

Nehama Leibowitz Biography

From Urim Publications: We are pleased to announce the release of Nehama Leibowitz: Teacher and Bible Scholar. Professor Nehama Leibowitz (1905–1997), winner of the Israel Prize in Education, was a unique figure in the twentieth century Jewish landscape. She wrote … Continue reading

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The God Model

From a discussion on Hirhurim: Anon writes: Sure, but I fail to see how one can make any assumptions at all about God (or the ‘First Cause’) unless they are based on faith, since there is no actual data other … Continue reading

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Even Torah Study Can Lead To Immorality

Josh emails: I attend a weekly parshah group. This past Thursday, I saw a young Russian woman who’d been absent from the class for a few weeks. She immediately asked if I had missed her. Well, I go to this … Continue reading

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Converting Children To Judaism

David writes on Hirhurim: "Based on Rabbi Broyde’s summary of Rabbis Kook and Elyashiv’s position, "that a bet din ought not to convert a child to Judaism unless it is nearly certain that the child will grow up to be … Continue reading

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Rashi Could Do Things We Can’t

Lawrence Kaplan writes on Hirhurim: "If I understand the end of Rabbi Slifkin’s article correctly, he was seriously saying that Rashi was allowed to say that God is a body while we are not, and he understood full well the … Continue reading

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