Category Archives: Comedy

Comic Bill Burr Rocks

* “It’s kinda hard to enjoy heaven when your family and friends are burning forever.” * You can date them, you can take them to shul, you can Facebook them, just don’t put it on Instagram! (Donald Sterling via Bill … Continue reading

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LA’s Chabad Rabbi Comic

From Wikipedia: Mendy Pellin is a Hassidic comic with a web-based satirical news show called The Mendy Report. Pellin was born to a Hassidic family in Denver, CO. He spent most of his childhood growing up in Crown Heights, NY, … Continue reading

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Rachel Bloom – Singer, Comic

When I logged on to Youtube Thursday afternoon, it suggested this video by Rachel Bloom: Youtube knows that as a convert to Judaism, my intellectual interests extend beyond pure Torah to the rich and varied world of Jewish culture, including … Continue reading

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Comedian Robert Cait Is Kosher/Not Kosher

After watching Robert Cait‘s new comedy DVD "Kosher Not Kosher", I interviewed him at the hovel Friday afternoon. Luke: "Robert, when you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?" Robert: "A comedian or a … Continue reading

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Conservative Comic Evan Sayet

Evan ( calls me Dec. 26. Audio Audio Evan, 47: "You got questions written out or off the top of your head?" Luke: "I’ve got them in my head." Evan: "Good." Luke: "How has your life changed since September 13?" … Continue reading

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