Category Archives: Los Angeles

A String Of Disturbing Deaths At Museum Terrace Apartment Complex In Miracle Mile

"I always wondered why people around here die so young," says my source, a tenant at 600 South Curson Avenue. My investigation was sparked by this email from an acquaintance and tenant: I live in a Goldrich & Kest building … Continue reading

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The Big One’s Coming Within A Year

I was sitting at home Friday night studying the sacred text — Suzanne Guillette‘s "Much To Your Chagrin: A Memoir of Embarrassment" — when a short sharp jolt rolled through at 7:42. It was the third distinct quake I recall … Continue reading

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Joel Schwartz Dies

He was a doctor. He collapsed and died at his daughter’s wedding Sunday. He was buried Monday. He was a regular at Aish HaTorah for many years. He opened his home to dozens of visitors including myself.. About a year … Continue reading

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LA Orthodoxy Is Weird

From my live cam chat: Josh:  LA orthodoxy exists in a bubble, you guys are so weird. Josh:  In NY, orthodox converts tend to be super-fanatic, whereas you behave like a FFB (frum from birth) Josh:  luke, dude, i’m ffb.  … Continue reading

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‘Do You Know Who I am?’

Mark Lacter writes: A tired cliché, I realize, but pseudo-celebrities keep pulling out variations of that line when all else fails. Case in point is Courtenay Semel, whose only legitimate claim to fame is purely biological. She’s the daughter of … Continue reading

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