Category Archives: Los Angeles

You Could Say The Same For Auschwitz

“Sweeping its horrific history of displacement, racism, and class warfare under the rug for a second, Elysian Park is a pretty chill spot.” (Vice)

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The Decline & Fall Of St. Louis

Comments: * Has St Louis been adversely affected by Ferguson and related issues? I understand St Louis County is where the people with means have moved, and St Louis city is where the stadium is. Is the city that bad? … Continue reading

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The Ferguson effect in Los Angeles – more crime

Heather Mac Donald writes: Crime rose dramatically in Los Angeles last year, according to Los Angeles Police Department data. Homicides were up 10%, shooting victims up 12.6%, and aggravated assaults up 27.5%, compared with 2014. Violent crime overall was up … Continue reading

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Gross Generalizations About Los Angeles Jews

* If you’re dealing with non-Orthodox Jewish schools, they’re ethical and organized and you get paid on time. When you deal with Orthodox Jewish day schools, payment and everything else is haphazard. Which Orthodox day school is most likely to … Continue reading

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NYT: Los Angeles Schools Closed After Bomb Threat

UPDATE: “Threat that closed Los Angeles schools Tuesday now being investigated as hoax” Newsflash: The people who run the LAUSD are idiots. LOS ANGELES β€” The Los Angeles public schools were abruptly shut down and students sent home on Tuesday … Continue reading

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