Category Archives: Satire

What Happened To Our Country?

Joe Queenan writes: This, after all, is a country where strapping young men take up two seats on the subway while pregnant women and the elderly cling to the overhead straps for dear life. This is a country where parents … Continue reading

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I Am The Father Of Bristol Palin’s Baby

I appreciate the discretion Palins used in their statement, identifying me only by my first Hebrew name: "We ask the media, respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates." Now I feel … Continue reading

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To Pray

I walk into shul, sit next to the rabbi, and for the next three hours we’re silent except for rattling off our prayers.. Finally, after adon olam and kiddish, I shake his hand and say, "Gut shabbos." "Look," he replies. … Continue reading

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The Miserable Jews

I just watched this cool 1998 movie starring Rabbi Yosef Blau as Inspector Javert and Rabbi Marc Winiarz as Jean Valjean. It was a thriller! Winiarz was imprisoned at age nineteen for stealing forbidden fourteen year old loving when he was a starving yeshiva … Continue reading

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Whining About The New Yorker’s Barack Obama Cover

Jack Shafer writes: Although every critic of the New Yorker understood the simple satire of the cover, the most fretful of them worried that the illustration would be misread by the ignorant masses who don’t subscribe to the magazine. Los … Continue reading

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