Category Archives: Hamas

Decoding The Anti-Israel, Pro-Palestine Campus Protests (5-5-24)

01:00 My analysis of campus protests: National Review: Since When Does Criminal Law Not Apply to College Campus Protests?, New York Times podcast on campus protests, Journalist Lydia Polgreen, Victor Davis Hanson: Radical Far-Left Palestine protests threaten … Continue reading

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Let’s Go Gay For Gaza (3-17-24)

01:00 Gay for Gaza03:00 Israel Is Doing A Great Job Minimizing Civilian Casualties In Gaza, Israel-Hamas war: IDF eliminates 15 terrorists in 24 hours, amid Hamas aid attack, A WTF Moment in the Middle East (US Dock in … Continue reading

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Israel Is Doing A Great Job Minimizing Civilian Casualties In Gaza

Ophir Falk writes in the WSJ: Israel has already dismantled 18 of Hamas’s 24 battalions, incapacitated more than 21,500 Hamas terrorists—about two-thirds of its force, including two of the top four leaders—and destroyed significant terror tunnels. By contrast, it took … Continue reading

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Mearsheimer: ‘Israelis wouldn’t mind a general conflagration because that would facilitate ethnic cleansing.’

Different groups have different interests. When you believe your enemy threatens your existence, as Israelis believe about Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, no cards are taken off the table. What people are happy with the existence of enemies within them and … Continue reading

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Israel vs Hamas

* Is there anything good about the events of the weekend in Israel? Yes, they return us to reality. Different groups have different interests, and when the clash of interests is intense enough, you get war, which is the continuation … Continue reading

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