Category Archives: Alt Right

What Happens When You Try To Leave The Alt Right?

Richard Spencer on the latest Alt Right podcast: “You can make the same argument about porn — we should watch porn all day long so that we can raise the fertility rate.” Panelists: “Weed is worst.” Richard: “Video games are … Continue reading

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Steven Pinker – The alt-right right are highly intelligent, internet savvy activists

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The Disruptive Power Of The Red Pill

Richard Spencer writes about the Paul Nehlen phenomenon: Getting “red pilled” is one of the most inspiring—and traumatic—things ever to happen to us. It changes us, and not just how we look at politics, history, and society; it changes our … Continue reading

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Most People Who Stand Up To Relentless Propaganda Are Anti-Social Oddballs

Comments at Steve Sailer: * we have to reconcile ourselves to the fact that anyone even half willing to be on board with some alt-rightish agenda will be at the very least odd (and possibly worse) in some way. * … Continue reading

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‘The French Origins of “You Will Not Replace Us” – The European thinkers behind the white-nationalist rallying cry’

From The New Yorker: Although Camus presents his definition of “Frenchness” as reasonable and urbane, it is of a piece with a less benign perspective on ethnicity, Islam, and territory which has circulated in his country for decades. Never the … Continue reading

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