Category Archives: Alt Right

4Chan – The Last Stand Of Implicit White Identity

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I think the AR is a far more potent than any other political cohort active today; more so than the parties, universities, old media and Hollyweird. Without money or backing, it’s autists have channeled political … Continue reading

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The Alt Right In The Light Of Torah

The Torah says to execute homos, slavery is OK, no goyish citizenship in Holy Land, how can I get appalled with goyim who want same things? Not one major rabbinic commentator says goyim can be citizens in the Torah state. … Continue reading

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Forward: White Nationalists Just Loved Trump’s ‘Shithole’ Comment

I’m shocked. Forward: President Trump may have come under fire for his comment referring to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” but for white nationalists, he struck just the right tone. The Anti Defamation League collected some of the … Continue reading

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The Bondage Of Self

From Wikipedia: “Kevin Alfred Strom was born in Anchorage, Alaska in 1956. Strom’s marriage to his first wife, Kirsten Kaiser, produced three children.[3] Since their marriage ended, Kaiser has spoken about her life with Strom in several interviews.[3][4] She has … Continue reading

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Blood and Faith: Christianity in American White Nationalism

Here are some highlights from this new book: * We should then understand that Oliver’s critique of what he described as “quaint” patriotism and American conservatism was essentially pragmatic in relation to the survival of the white race. He was … Continue reading

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