Category Archives: Alt Right

Unite The Right 2: Jason Kessler Interview

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Greg Conte Resigns From Richard Spencer’s Operation (8-14-18)

MP3: I have resigned from NPI and . I remain totally committed to fighting for the rights of our people. More to come… — Gregory Conte (@Real_Greg_Conte) August 14, 2018 8/10/18 update: Report: Richard Spencer Has Left … Continue reading

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NYTIMES: A Year After Charlottesville, Disarray in the White Supremacist Movement

From the New York Times: “Now, we are facing so much pushback that people are not in the mood to celebrate,” said Richard B. Spencer, the white nationalist and prominent alt-right figure, who declined to attend Sunday’s event. “And I’m … Continue reading

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Coverage & Commentary On Unite The Right 2 (8-12-18)

MP3. Dennis Dale comments: “None of this is going to mean anything by this time next week, but it’s a win for Kessler. His critics were right–turnout was awful, but that didn’t turn out to be the disaster imagined, because … Continue reading

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‘The Categorical Error At The Heart Of White Nationalism’

Davis Campbell describes himself as: “Sort of Chinese. Very Christian. The King’s College ’16. Harvard Law School ’21.” He writes: One of the assumptions of white nationalism, and of white identity politics more generally, is that “white people” are a … Continue reading

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