Category Archives: Israel

Ex-CIA Philip Giraldi: ‘America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars – Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?’

Valerie Plame retweeted a link to this article. I’m afraid that just yelling “anti-Semitism” does not shut down conversation like it used to. Alan Dershowitz writes: Valerie Plame had to know what she was doing. The unmasked former CIA officer … Continue reading

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‘Foreign entities give millions to groups aiding infiltrators in Israel’

From Israel Hayom: Between 2012 and 2017, European governments and U.N. agencies gave a total of $13 million in aid to Israeli organizations helping illegal aliens, a new report by the right-wing organization Im Tirtzu revealed Sunday. As Europe deals … Continue reading

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Ethnic Cleansing Is Sometimes The Way Of Peace

It sounds bad, but separating groups is sometimes the best way of maintaining peace. By contrasting, living in many types of diversity tends to reduce trust and increase tension. J.J. Goldberg writes: A Major Jewish Philanthropist Just Published A Plan … Continue reading

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Is Israel becoming a mafia state?

From Times of Israel: …I found myself talking to a Jewish woman who works in the US government. “I don’t understand,” she said with dismay. “In America, Jewish people are upstanding citizens. What is happening in Israel?” The woman was … Continue reading

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Beth Kissileff writes: One frustration in reading a memoir about life in Israel is a total absence of a mention of Arabs and others who live there. Nonetheless, part of the liveliness of Kurshan’s memoir comes from her life in … Continue reading

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