Category Archives: Israel

Waltz With Bashir

Kishke posts: "I don’t see how a smart guy like you can give props to a movie like Waltz With Bashir. From what I’ve read about it (including here), it’s a soldier-turned-leftist-working-out-his-guilt film. Now, look, I certainly empathize with whatever … Continue reading

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What Hamas Is Doing To Southern Israel Will Inflame Jews

It is unpredictable how Jews in the United States will react to these rocket attacks and non-Jews should be on guard against angry rioting Jews. Can you imagine such a thing? Or the pope announces that non-Christians should beware because … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Sees The Movie ‘Australia’

On his radio show Jan. 9, Dennis turned to his wife 20 minutes in to the movie and said, ‘If this does not get better in 15 minutes, we’re outta here." "It is well worth seeing. It is the great … Continue reading

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Fatah Vs Hamas

From "Dennis talks to Jonathan Schanzer, director of policy at the Jewish Policy Center. He has also served as counterterrorism analyst for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the U.S. Department of Treasury and as a research fellow … Continue reading

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Live In Sderot

Here’s an important new blog from the Jewish Journal: Every morning, we are awakened by the Tzeva Adom alert. This is one of the most bizarre air raids in history. It starts with the click of a loudspeaker, and then … Continue reading

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