Category Archives: Israel

Why Is It Called ‘The Green Line’?

Because the area Israel controls is covered with green while the land outside of Israel is mainly desert. This is true morally, culturally and physically. Wikipedia says: The term Green Line is used to refer to the 1949 Armistice lines … Continue reading

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Sex In Jerusalem

"Nobody ***** in Jerusalem," says my friend Josh*. "They bring redemption. "You’ve heard of Jerusalem Complex? People go to the Wall and they think they’re the Messiah? They go to Israel and they think they’re some Biblical character. Everything has … Continue reading

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Jane Fonda, Danny Glover Support Destruction Of Israel?

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 5 (UPI) — A Los Angeles rabbi says movie stars Jane Fonda and Danny Glover support the "destruction of Israel" if they boycott the Toronto International Film Festival. reported Friday that Rabbi Marvin Hier of the … Continue reading

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Author George Gilder Speaks In Los Angeles About ‘The Israel Test’

The Wednesday Morning Club hosts George Gilder Sept. 10. I have as much interest in seeing George Gilder speak as anybody in the world. He’s a giant. His book "Sexual Suicide" convinced me to get married. Wait, I’m channeling Dennis … Continue reading

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Women Protest In Tel Aviv

From YNET:

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