Category Archives: Israel

Friends of the IDF

A few months ago, a secular Jewish friend went to a Friends of the IDF banquet and was given a green cloth yarmulke with “FIDF” on it. My friend doesn’t wear a yarmulke so he gave it to me. I … Continue reading

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Why Not An American Ban On Illegal Workers?

Israel shows us the way once again on how to create a cohesive united country. Israel is the Jewish state and it conducts its affairs to benefit Jews. America should be an American state, conducting its affairs to benefit its … Continue reading

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Bethlehem Movie 2013

At the beginning, the Arab teen protagonist seems to have an IQ of about 90. He gets a shoddy bulletproof vest and has a contest with a friend to see who is the most courageous and will get shot first … Continue reading

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If you were an Arab or Muslim, how would today’s stabbings in a Jerusalem shul make you feel?

Four rabbis were hacked to death in Jerusalem today. I think that if I were a Muslim or Arab, I would cheer those killings. I am, however, a Jew and therefore my heart breaks. If I were an Arab or … Continue reading

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The Wonderful Terrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl

This is a great documentary on the greatest movie director of the Third Reich. I’ve been binge-watching documentaries about the Nazis. I don’t know much, but it seems like Nazism was a variant of nationalism and all nationalisms require the … Continue reading

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